Friday, June 21, 2024

Paul Foster Case's Dilemma

[Paul Foster] Case reported a meeting on the streets of Chicago, in 1909 or 1910, that was to change the course of his life. "Dr. Fludd", a Chicago physician, approached the young Case and greeting him by name, saying he had a message from a "master of wisdom who is my teacher as well as yours."

[In one of the plushest hotel rooms of the Waldorf Astoria, an odd meeting was arranged between Case and the aforementioned teacher.] Case was being offered a choice. He could continue with his successful musical career and live comfortably, or he could dedicate himself to "serve humanity" and thereby play a role in the coming age.

Paul you are at a crossroad. Two paths are open to you. You can continue to pursue a career in classical music. You will be successful and will live a life of relative comfort. Or, you can dedicate yourself to unreservedly serve humanity and play a vital role in the coming Aquarian Age. If you choose this path, you will be given the task to reinterpret the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom and put them into a form more accessible to modem seekers. This journey of service may be difficult, with many tests and trials, but in the end I can assure you that you will not starve."

From that time on, Case began to study and formulate the lessons that served as the core curricula (...) that Case founded and that continues today.”

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