Monday, November 18, 2024

(Video) Reptilian Part Of Your Brain Controls Your Every Decision


The reptilian part of your brain is what makes most of your decisions. And stable development of consciousness is not possible until we understand functioning of this part of our brains. If we wish to raise our awareness then this is the part of us that we need to raise awareness of. If we wish to raise our frequency we need to get to know this part of ourselves which blocks us from doing so. What is it motivated by and how it functions?

Link To Video

Thursday, November 14, 2024

(Video) How Valuable Are You For The Planet Earth


Capacity of human consciousness. Potential. Power. Energy. How to apply all these terms to real-life growth and evolution? What is expansion of consciousness and how is it related to our ability to let go? How is our life-purpose related to the process of interaction of the Sun and the Earth?

Link To Video

Saturday, August 3, 2024

(Online Book) The History Of Magic by Eliphas Levi

Magic has been confounded too long with the jugglery of mountebanks, the hallucinations of disordered minds and the crimes of certain unusual malefactors. There are otherwise many who would promptly explain Magic as the art of producing effects in the absence of causes; and on the strength of such a definition it will be said by ordinary people—with the good sense which characterises the ordinary, in the midst of much injustice—that Magic is an absurdity. But it can have no analogy in fact with the descriptions of those who know nothing of the subject; furthermore, it is not to be represented as this or that by any person whomsoever: it is that which it is, drawing from itself only, even as mathematics do, for it is the exact and absolute science of Nature and her laws.

(Quote) Eliphas Levi - The History of Magic


The Great Symbol Of Solomon

Drawing by Eliphas Levi

In Kabalistic symbolism the representation of God is always by a duplicated image—one erect, the other reversed; [Pg 25] one white, and the other black. [16] In such manner did the sages seek to express the intelligent and vulgar conceptions of the same idea—that of the God of light and the God of shadow. To the miscomprehension of this symbol must be referred the Persian Ahriman—that black but divine ancestor of all demons. The dream of the infernal king is but a false notion of God.

Light in the absence of shadow would be invisible for our eyes, since it would produce an overpowering brilliance equal to the greatest darkness. In the analogies of this physical truth, understood and considered adequately, a solution will be found for one of the most terrible of problems, the origin of evil. But to grasp it fully, together with all its consequences, is not meant for the multitude, who must not penetrate so readily into the secrets of universal harmony. It was only after the initiate of the Eleusinian mysteries had passed victoriously through all the tests, had seen and touched the holy things, that, if he were judged strong enough to withstand the last and most dreadful secret, a veiled priest passed him at flying pace and uttered in his ear the enigmatic words: Osiris is a black god. So was Osiris—of whom Typhon is the oracle—and so was the divine religious sun of Egypt, eclipsed suddenly, becoming the shadow of that grand, indefinable Isis who is all that has been and shall be, and whose eternal veil has no one lifted.

Light is the active principle for Kabalists, while darkness is analogous to the passive principle, for which reason they regarded the sun and moon as emblems of the two divine sexes and the two creative forces. So also they attributed to woman the first temptation and[Pg 26] sin, and subsequently the first labour—the maternal labour of redemption: it is from the bosom of the dark itself that light is reborn. The void attracts the plenum, and thus the abyss of poverty and wretchedness, pretended evil, seeming nothingness and the ephemeral rebellion of creatures, attracts eternally an ocean of being, wealth, mercy and love. This interprets the symbol of the Christ descending into hell after pouring out upon the cross all immensities of the most marvellous forgiveness.

Quote prepared by Jodi Childs


Friday, August 2, 2024

(Video Playlist) The Heiroglyphic Monad of John Dee by Terry Burns

 Classes on the theorems of the Monas Heiroglyphica, aka the Hieroglyphic Monad of John Dee, using the Burns-Turner translation.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

(Video) The Holy Guardian Angel In Occult Tradition - Hermetic Kabbalah


Gaining the knowledge and conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel is a cornerstone of the western esoteric tradition. This talk takes in the history of the Holy Guardian Angel and the context of occult tradition, hermetic kabbalah and the tree of life to give a personal insight into the experience.

Presentation by Duncan Fleming

Friday, July 12, 2024

(Video Clip) Prophets; Damien Echols

 Link to clip

This is a good starting point in the video although there is also good content in the first half as well for those that prefer to watch the full video. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

(Video) Making Things Happen: Internal Power and Ritual by SixtySteps


(Video) How The Universe Works, The Path of Enlightenment by SixtySkills




(Quote) Franz Bardon - Initiation Into Hermetics

 A true magician never harbors any hate towards any religion or sect. He is aware that every religion has it's particular system which should lead to God, and therefore he respects it. He knows that every religion makes mistakes, but he refrains from condemning them, because every dogma serves the spiritual maturity of it's followers. 

Friday, July 5, 2024

(Video) Damien Echols - The Ultimate Goal of Alchemy

 Damien Echols discusses the ultimate goal of alchemy and outlines the training involved in astrotheurgy. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Paul Foster Case's Dilemma

[Paul Foster] Case reported a meeting on the streets of Chicago, in 1909 or 1910, that was to change the course of his life. "Dr. Fludd", a Chicago physician, approached the young Case and greeting him by name, saying he had a message from a "master of wisdom who is my teacher as well as yours."

[In one of the plushest hotel rooms of the Waldorf Astoria, an odd meeting was arranged between Case and the aforementioned teacher.] Case was being offered a choice. He could continue with his successful musical career and live comfortably, or he could dedicate himself to "serve humanity" and thereby play a role in the coming age.

Paul you are at a crossroad. Two paths are open to you. You can continue to pursue a career in classical music. You will be successful and will live a life of relative comfort. Or, you can dedicate yourself to unreservedly serve humanity and play a vital role in the coming Aquarian Age. If you choose this path, you will be given the task to reinterpret the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom and put them into a form more accessible to modem seekers. This journey of service may be difficult, with many tests and trials, but in the end I can assure you that you will not starve."

From that time on, Case began to study and formulate the lessons that served as the core curricula [of the school] (...) that Case founded and that continues today.”

Thursday, June 20, 2024

(Quote) Liber Cheth

 "12. And behold! if by stealth thou keep unto thyself one thought of thine, then shalt thou be cast out into the abyss for ever; and thou shalt be the lonely one, the eater of dung, the afflicted in the Day of Be-with-Us.

13. Yea! verily this is the Truth, this is the Truth, this is the Truth. Unto thee shall be granted joy and health and wealth and wisdom when thou art no longer thou.

14. Then shall every gain be a new sacrament, and it shall not defile thee; thou shalt revel with the wanton in the market-place, and the virgins shall fling roses upon thee, and the merchants bend their knees and bring thee gold and spices. Also young boys shall pour wonderful wines for thee, and the singers and the dancers shall sing and dance for thee. {26}

15. Yet shalt thou not be therein, for thou shalt be forgotten, dust lost in dust.

16. Nor shall the aeon itself avail thee in this; for from the dust shall a white ash be prepared by Hermes the Invisible.

(Video) Damien Echols - The Oroborus, Karma and Transcending Reincarnation


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

(Quote) Paul Foster Case, The Book of Tokens

 "Apart from me,

There is neither Wisdom,

Nor knowledge, nor understanding.

Into every state of knowledge do I enter.

Into false knowledge as well as Into true. 

So that I am not less the ignorance of the deluded

Than the wisdom of the sage.

For what thou callest ignorance and folly

Is my pure knowing.

Imperfectly expressed

Through an incomplete image

Of my divine perfection. 

(Video) Tarot Meditations from The Book of Tokens by Paul Foster Case


(Quote) Aleister Crowley

"You know how deeply we have always been impressed with the ideas of Sun-rise and Sun-set, and how our ancient brethren, seeing the Sun disappear at night and rise again in the morning, based their religious ideas in this one conception of a Dying and Re-arisen God. This is the central idea of the religion of the Old Æon, but we have left it behind us because although it seemed to be based on Nature (and Nature's symbols are always true), yet we have outgrown this idea which is only apparently true in Nature. Since this great Ritual of Sacrifice and Death was conceived and perpetuated, we, through the observation of our men of science, have come to know that it is not the Sun which rises and sets, but the earth on which we live which revolves so that its shadow cuts us off from the sunlight during what we call night. The Sun does not die, as the ancients thought; it is always shining, always radiating Life and Life. Stop for a moment and get a clear conception of this Sun, how He is shining in the early morning, shining at mid-day, shining in the evening, and shining at night. Have you got this idea clearly in your minds? You have stepped out of the Old Æon and into the New."

(Quote) Aleister Crowley

 I was in the death struggle with self: God and Satan fought for my soul those three long hours. God conquered – now I have only one doubt left – which of the twain was God?

Saturday, June 15, 2024

(Quote) From: The Snake That Made Gods of Our Race, by Erica M. Cornelius

 "...the Magus, who applies the Slain God principle in such a way as to spawn an entire Universe through his Word (...) does not sacrifice himself (as the Old Aeon would have had it), but rather transforms himself in an ultimate act of Love. And this self-transformation transforms the world."

(Quote) Aleister Crowley

 "There is thus in this school no attempt to deny that Nature is, as Zoroaster said, "a fatal and evil force"; but Nature is, so to speak, "the First Matter of the Work," which is to be transmuted into gold. The joy is a function of our own part in this alchemy. For this reason we find the boldest and most skillful adepts deliberately seeking out the most repugnant elements of Nature that their triumph may be the greater."

(Quote) From: The Snake That Made Gods of Our Race , by Erica M. Cornelius

 "We enter an age in which flawed human beings may unify the darkness and the light through our incarnations.  Thereby we may house the Holy Spirit and bring Spirit all the way down into the flesh: Thelema!"


 "To understand what occurs once these archetypes have descended into Tiphareth one needs to appreciate the magickal formula of ABRAHADABRA of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost which Crowley says works out of the lower Ruach. In this formula the Father represents the nature of the archetypal or syncronistic seed (Abra) descending through Tiphareth from Above while the Son represents the cause and effect of Phallic energy (Abra) through the sphere of Hod on the Below. The Holy Ghost (Had) is seen as a female divinity known in Gnosticism as Sophia, the Goddess of Wisdom. She represents the goddess Nuit in her lower manifestation which resides within the sphere of Netzach. The Gnostics believed that Christ and Sophia are the left and right hands of God, both husband and wife above the Abyss, and Son and daughter Below. ... The Gnostics understood that Christ can only manifest his Logos or Word into the world through Sophia.... Finally, the Goddess Sophia or HAD, which lies between ABRA (one hand) and ABRA (another hand), is also known as the Greek goddess of Wisdom or Metis. She is central to the Mysteries of Baphomet." -- J. Edward Cornelius