Monday, November 18, 2024

(Video) Reptilian Part Of Your Brain Controls Your Every Decision


The reptilian part of your brain is what makes most of your decisions. And stable development of consciousness is not possible until we understand functioning of this part of our brains. If we wish to raise our awareness then this is the part of us that we need to raise awareness of. If we wish to raise our frequency we need to get to know this part of ourselves which blocks us from doing so. What is it motivated by and how it functions?

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Thursday, November 14, 2024

(Video) How Valuable Are You For The Planet Earth


Capacity of human consciousness. Potential. Power. Energy. How to apply all these terms to real-life growth and evolution? What is expansion of consciousness and how is it related to our ability to let go? How is our life-purpose related to the process of interaction of the Sun and the Earth?

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