Saturday, December 30, 2023

(Video) The Modern Golden Dawn and Monism


Marcus Mattern goes in depth to explain the Golden Dawn from a modern and self initiatory perspective. 

Thursday, October 12, 2023

(Video) Baphomet As The Alchemical Process

 A presentation from Blazing Star O.T.O. on the concepts of Baphomet and the Alchemical process. 

(Video) Angel McAlistair Dicusses B.O.T.A.

 Angel McAlistair discusses her 13 year involvement with the B.O.T.A. training course. We get a fascinating insiders look at an intriguing and transformative esoteric education. 

(Video) Frater Oz Discusses Babalon In A Thelemic Context


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

(Article) The Symbolism Of The Movie The Ninth Gate


(Video) Former homeless man preaches the GREATEST sermon you will EVER hear!

 Learn about Wisdom and humility from this former homeless man named John. 

(Video) The Path of Return

 The Path of Return on the Tree of Life as outlined by Qesheth's Esoteric Mysteries. 

This video is the first in a series. Visit his YouTube page and start with the oldest video and work your way through the videos from there. They are listed in sequential order that way.