Tuesday, January 20, 2015

(Video) A Pathway to Adepthood: The Method of A.'.A.'. - Jim Eshelman

Temple of Thelema presents:
A Pathway To Adepthood—The Method of A∴A∴
by James A. Eshelman

July 19th, 2009 e.v.
The Producer’s Club, New York, NY

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

(Quote) The Temple of Solomon the King - Aleister Crowley

The affectation of knowledge and the piling on of symbols is only legitimate to the ignorant when the purpose is to bewilder by a flashing image and not to instruct. In the present case the seeker after Truth is called the Child of Earth and Darkness, and instead of being shown the beautiful garment of light he will one day be called upon to wear, is at once rolled in a heap of tinselled draperies, in mummy wrappings, outgrown togas and the discarded underwear of Olympus and Sinai, the result being that unless his understanding is as clear as these rituals are obscure, all he obtains is a theatrical impression of "make-up" and "make- believe," and a general detachment from the realities of Consciousness. The words obsess him; he cannot see that Typhon is as necessary in the Egyptian Scheme as Osiris; in the Christian, that Satan is but the twin of Christ. They fetter the freedom which they are supposed to unbind, producing not only a duality but a multiplicity of illusions; so that, in the end, the chances are, instead of conversing face to face with Adonai, he becomes a prig addressing a mass meeting in the Albert Hall, rationalising about irrational qualities.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

(Article) Hexagram of Magick - David Cherubim


Each line of the Hexagram or Hexalpha indicates the number 111, since a single line of the Hexagram contains three equal parts, each of which may be represented by the number 1, so that the number 111 can symbolize every line. There are six lines in all, so that 111 x 6 = 666, the Most Holy Number of the Sun.

The Hexagram of Magick...[represents] the seven-lettered name ARARITA. ARARITA is a Notariqon. In other words, it is a word which is composed of seven letters formed from the initials of a Hebrew sentence meaning: "One is His Beginning: One is His Individuality: His Permutation is One."

Concerning the word ARARITA, Aleister Crowley wrote: "The use of this Name and Formula is to equate and identify every idea with its opposite; thus being released from the obsession of thinking any one of them as "true" (and therefore binding); one can withdraw oneself from the whole sphere of the Ruach [intellect]."

Click here to read the article.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

(Quote) The Temple of Solomon the King - Aleister Crowley

Thus it came about that the greater the Master the less was he able to explain himself, and the more obscure his explanations the darker became the minds of his followers.